Self Help Articles

Brad Yates

Brad Yates
Brad Yates

Why Can't I Be You?

By Brad Yates

My wife and I just joined a gym. It's something we haven't done in years, but our treadmill died in the fall, and it's gotten very wet and cold here, so walking in the morning can be unpleasant.

And, after all, it's the New Year. Isn't joining a gym what the average person supposed to do now?

Now, I'd love to tell you that I wake up early each and every morning raring to go, full of energy and excitement about pushing my body to the limits in the search for physical perfection.

But, that probably wouldn't be much help to most folks. You may not be able to relate, and might be put off by it, or simply dismiss it.

It also wouldn't be honest.

Yes, while I'd love to tell you that I never wake up with a desire to stay comfy cozy in my bed, that is still the reality at least some mornings. Most of the time I really can't wait to get going on all the exciting things I'm up to.

But I haven't tapped enough yet such that I never feel resistance.

Thankfully, tapping is always an option. As it was yesterday morning when the alarm went off at 5:00, and part of my brain was already working hard at convincing me to roll over and go back to sleep. Before I'd tapped even one full round on "Even though I don't want to get up," I was up. And, as usual, once I was up I was glad that I was.

Sometimes, when we look at the people enjoying great success, and achieving great things (from multi-million dollar deals to simply getting up in the morning to go to the gym), we think that is beyond our abilities.

We tell ourselves, "That's great for them, but I'm not them. I can't do that."

My wife gave me an iPod for Christmas, and despite the 2000+ songs I have laboriously put on it (so far), I have been listening to Mike Litman's "Unleash Your Greatness" during my workout.

It has pieces of interviews with successful people like Jim Rohn, Willy Jolly and Frank McKinney. I eat that kind of stuff up (more about it below), but you could listen to them and their advice to take action - and their stories of how they turned their lives around - and not know how to do it, or believe that you could.

You might feel like asking them, "Why can't I be you?"

(Yes, I also have that song by the Cure on my iPod.)

And, that is an excellent question to ask.

But, don't ask it of them, ask it of yourself.

Why can't you be a great success?

In most cases, there isn't a real reason. There may be reasons that feel real, but these folks faced those same reasons, or ones like them, and succeeded anyway.

Now, if you are ninety-eight years old, and decide to ask yourself why you can't be Lance Armstrong and go win the Tour de France over and over again, well, there may be some reasons that might be a little more real. But who knows?

Most anything you would like to do, you are capable of doing. But that voice in your head giving you excuses why you can't will stop you from experiencing the success you deserve.

Of course, that part of you does so out of fear, fear that the success isn't safe for some reason. It's trying to protect you, but that is based mostly on faulty information from the past.

So, why can't you be a success? Because part of you is afraid to be so.

And, thanks to EFT and various other modalities, that can be cleared.

Decide that this year you will go even further towards living the great life you were born to live. Commit to success, start taking a action, and clear yourself when you feel any resistance.


It will be a great service to the rest of us.

And, one of these days, someone might come up to you and ask, "Why can't I be you?"

And you'll be able to say, "You can."

To learn more about Brad Yates and the work that he is doing with EFT, go to:
It is amazing stuff.
To learn how to get money beyond belief, go to:
To try some EFT on yourself go to: